Miscellaneous Things - Part I

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hi there, finally after visiting some project partners in Finland and attending this years NIPS conference, I’m finally back.

I’d like to finish of this year (or at least the pre-Christmas period) with pointers to two interesting pages which are not all that new (but interesting…):

Clay Shirky has some nice articles on semantic web and the futility of building an ontologoy which fits all applications. As I said these articles are not new but contain many nice examples to illustrate why such a top-down approach might not be a good idea.

Then, being a scientist myself and therefore depending on getting my work published, the existing peer review process is always a topic worth discussion. It seems that the nature magazine has recently picked up on that topic.

Merry Christmas!

Posted by at 2006-12-21 11:20:00 +0000

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